why we’re here.


We believe in the power of breaking bread.

Our work is rooted in deep human connection and is enlivened by the moments of magic that unfold across a table, over a cup of coffee, and in service of community.

Even the simplest of meals, if prepared with heart, can leave a lasting impression, and this is the philosophy we weave into all of our work. We approach every project with personalized care, honoring the evolving stories and seasons of each of our partners.

 c u l t i v é    |    k u h l - t i - v ā

a collective movement for nourishment, harvested by a gathering of resources, ideas, and community.

Our core values


deep dedication to craft and thoughtful attention to detail



an invitation to meaningfully share in an experience



guiding principle to ensure that genuine care is provided



openness to discovering moments of magic in the mundane


Social Justice.

everyone deserves to be cared for and nourished


“Working with Lauren and the Cultivé team is a highly personalized experience by which you feel your needs are their number one priority. Lauren supports you with all her resources (which go far and wide), and she's always there with fresh ideas, creative solutions and incisive wit. Working with Cultivé is an absolute pleasure to say the least!”

— Jasmine Shimoda, Executive Chef of JEWEL Restaurant + The Springs LA